Friday, August 23, 2013
Goodbye, Metropolis! Hello, Gotham City!
Nananananananananananana- Batman!!!!! Just like every Fanboy in the world I have been loving the hero hype of the past few years. This past summer has been even better bringing with it the announcement of Superman/Batman. Now unlike a lot of other people, I haven't been going nuts trying to figure out who should don the cape and cowl. I figured we have time, heck the script isn't even written yet. You can imagine my surprise when Warner Brothers does something so very, well, them... They cast Ben Affleck as the caped crusader. I'm sure Mr. Affleck will do great, but if they were announcing him as the director of the next Batman project I'd be more excited. As is, I kind of feel like someone is playing an April Fools joke on me. Again, Affleck has the chops. I loved him in The Town which was incredibly acted in and directed by him. In my opinion he had already proven himself capable of carrying a superhero role when he donned tight outfit and mask in the superior Directors Cut of Daredevil. He's already played Superman George Reeves in Hollywoodland. Maybe it was destiny. Once he dons the cape and cowl he will have been the first actor to play Superman AND Batman in major motion pictures. Cross your fingers with me, and lets just be grateful that they didn't cast Matt Damon as Dick Grayson. Anyway, just click here to link to the full press release from DC.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Robert Downey Jr. Returns as Iron Man!
Hello Hunters! You can stop panicking, as it is now official. Robert Downey Jr. will be returning for the next two Avengers sequels! Of course, we don't know yet what kinds of cameo's or solo exploits Tony Stark may be getting up to in the mean time, but this is surely good news to this fanboys heart. Check out the full press release from
“I am Iron Man.”
Downey, Jr.’s last two Marvel films, 2012’s “Marvel’s The Avengers” and this year’s “Iron Man 3,” rank as two of the top five grossing films of all time, collectively earning over $2.7 billion worldwide to date.
More on Click on the picture above for more from Marvel!
Tony Stark’s famous closing line to the very first Iron Man film takes on new life today as Marvel is pleased to announce the signing of Robert Downey, Jr. to reprise the role of the “billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist.”
Under the two-picture agreement, Downey will star as Tony Stark/Iron Man in “Marvel’s The Avengers 2” and “Marvel’s The Avengers 3.” Downey is represented at CAA by Bryan Lourd, Jim Toth and Matt Leaf and by his attorneys Tom Hansen and Stewart Brookman of the firm Hansen Jacobson.

“Marvel’s The Avengers 2” is being written and directed by Joss Whedon. Featuring favorites from the first Avengers film and new Marvel characters never before seen on the big screen, “Marvel’s The Avengers 2” is slated to begin production in March 2014 and open in theaters May 1, 2015.
Thrilled by this mega announcement, Marvelites? Well, be sure you stay glued to because in the coming days and weeks and months, will be FIRST in the world to reveal additional casting updates, new characters coming to Marvel movies and so much more -- directly from the most secret meetings at Marvel! You wouldn't want to miss out on that now, would you?!
More on Click on the picture above for more from Marvel!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Hemlock Grove Gets Season 2!
Ok, I know it's not exactly "super" news. It's not even movie news. But it's good news all the same. Splatter aficionado Eli Roth continues as Executive Producer along with newcomer Charles Eglee of Dexter fame to bring us more gruesome transformations and creepy eyeball regrowth (yay! it's coming, they promised). Season two of Hemlock Grove should start filming later this year with all ten episodes premiering in 2014.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
300: Rise of Empire
Hello Hunters! The Rise of Empire Trailer has finally decided to grace us with its presence! So without further adieu, here it is...
Hope you enjoyed that as it will have to tide you over for a little longer. Tentatively scheduled for a late summer release it has been pushed back until March 17, 2014.
Hope you enjoyed that as it will have to tide you over for a little longer. Tentatively scheduled for a late summer release it has been pushed back until March 17, 2014.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Machete Kills! (FINALLY)
After months of litigation threatened to indefinitely halt the release of this much anticipated sequel; the first teaser is finally here! While there is little information to be found about the resolution of the case (and i'm too tired to speculate), we can just be glad that it's finally here. So, without further delay I give you Machete Kills!
Sure to be an explosive end to the summer movie season on September 13th!
Sure to be an explosive end to the summer movie season on September 13th!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
My name is Colson, Agent Colson.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
First Poster for 300: Rise of Empire!
Well Hunters, here it is. The very first official promo for the Frank Miller follow-up to 300! Coming August 2, 2013.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Supers And Sci-Fi in 2013 Part 2!
Hello Hunters! Welcome back to your best source for must see action and sci-fi in the coming year. We rounded out our last list with June's Man of Steel and Kick Ass 2. Time was that would composed the two biggest films of the summer, but no longer. So, with no further adieu; I give you the second part of our list.
Many of you, like me, grew up watching reruns of radio and comic book inspired television. July brings us the Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp headlined The Lone Ranger. Disney's $250,000,000 blockbuster hopes not to be next summers "John Carter" as it brings a new twist to the age old tale of Ranger Reid and Tonto. A refreshing supernatural twist makes Reid into somewhat of an "indestructible" man, rescued from the grave by Tonto and reunited with his trusty steed Silver. Galloping onto your screens this July 5th.
From the writer/director/producer that brought us Mimic, Blade 2, Hellboy, Pans Labyrinth, and the world of The Hobbit; comes Pacific Rim. A no holds barred monsters vs. machine throw down like only Del Toro can deliver. Splashing into your local theater come July 12, 2013.
About a year and a half ago I was getting back into comics and a friend was telling me about some stuff I had never even heard of. In fact, even after doing some research, I had a hard time locating some of the more interesting sounding books. But, I was persistent and found a short series on ebay that went by the title R.I.P.D. Rest In Peace Department stars Ryan Reynolds as Nick Walker, a recently departed detective that joins Jeff Bridges as Roy Pulsipher, for one last case before he retires to heaven. This last case leads them right into the pits of hell and unforeseen connections to Walkers murder. R.I.P.D. will be in theaters on July 19th. No trailer of photo's have been released, but heres the comic con teaser for you. (Be sure to pick up the first issue of the prequel comic, R.I.P.D.: City of the Damned at your local comic book shop.)
I love movies. I love comic book movies. Because of this; I can be really forgiving compared to many fanboys out there. One of these films that I have been taken to task for enjoying has been X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Yes, it was flawed but I enjoyed it for what it was. Now all of that being said, every fanboy I know is waiting on pins and needles for The Wolverine. This promises to take us further into the darkness that many of us have ever been before. And what's not to love? Wolverine and Japan were made for each other. Wolverine arrives in your town come July 26th.
I really don't know how I feel about this next one. 300: Rise of an Empire comes charging across our screens in IMAX 3D on August 2nd. A picture that has been fraught with rumors and rewrites before finally doing what they should have done all along and settling on the comic, Xerxes, written by the graphic novel maestro Frank Miller. Why they didn't just call it that I'll never know. But, i'll reserve judgement until I see the trailer...
Finally... Last but certainly not least I come to this summers guilty pleasure. I have been reading this book series since I discovered the first in a bargain bin about two years ago. Cassandra Clare has captivated millions the world over with her best selling series of novels for teens and adults alike. The Mortal Instruments is now in it's fifth installment and has already spawned a bestselling prequel series known as The Infernal Devices and she has recently signed a deal for a further series entitled The Dark Artifices. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones sees a our heroin thrust into a world she has been told her whole life doesn't exist... I'll let the trailer speak for itself.
Well fellow hunters, that's all for now. As they release more of the trailers for the second half of the summer i'll be sure to post them. Stay tuned for more news and great lists. Until then, Happy Hunting!
Many of you, like me, grew up watching reruns of radio and comic book inspired television. July brings us the Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp headlined The Lone Ranger. Disney's $250,000,000 blockbuster hopes not to be next summers "John Carter" as it brings a new twist to the age old tale of Ranger Reid and Tonto. A refreshing supernatural twist makes Reid into somewhat of an "indestructible" man, rescued from the grave by Tonto and reunited with his trusty steed Silver. Galloping onto your screens this July 5th.
From the writer/director/producer that brought us Mimic, Blade 2, Hellboy, Pans Labyrinth, and the world of The Hobbit; comes Pacific Rim. A no holds barred monsters vs. machine throw down like only Del Toro can deliver. Splashing into your local theater come July 12, 2013.
About a year and a half ago I was getting back into comics and a friend was telling me about some stuff I had never even heard of. In fact, even after doing some research, I had a hard time locating some of the more interesting sounding books. But, I was persistent and found a short series on ebay that went by the title R.I.P.D. Rest In Peace Department stars Ryan Reynolds as Nick Walker, a recently departed detective that joins Jeff Bridges as Roy Pulsipher, for one last case before he retires to heaven. This last case leads them right into the pits of hell and unforeseen connections to Walkers murder. R.I.P.D. will be in theaters on July 19th. No trailer of photo's have been released, but heres the comic con teaser for you. (Be sure to pick up the first issue of the prequel comic, R.I.P.D.: City of the Damned at your local comic book shop.)
I love movies. I love comic book movies. Because of this; I can be really forgiving compared to many fanboys out there. One of these films that I have been taken to task for enjoying has been X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Yes, it was flawed but I enjoyed it for what it was. Now all of that being said, every fanboy I know is waiting on pins and needles for The Wolverine. This promises to take us further into the darkness that many of us have ever been before. And what's not to love? Wolverine and Japan were made for each other. Wolverine arrives in your town come July 26th.
I really don't know how I feel about this next one. 300: Rise of an Empire comes charging across our screens in IMAX 3D on August 2nd. A picture that has been fraught with rumors and rewrites before finally doing what they should have done all along and settling on the comic, Xerxes, written by the graphic novel maestro Frank Miller. Why they didn't just call it that I'll never know. But, i'll reserve judgement until I see the trailer...
Finally... Last but certainly not least I come to this summers guilty pleasure. I have been reading this book series since I discovered the first in a bargain bin about two years ago. Cassandra Clare has captivated millions the world over with her best selling series of novels for teens and adults alike. The Mortal Instruments is now in it's fifth installment and has already spawned a bestselling prequel series known as The Infernal Devices and she has recently signed a deal for a further series entitled The Dark Artifices. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones sees a our heroin thrust into a world she has been told her whole life doesn't exist... I'll let the trailer speak for itself.
Well fellow hunters, that's all for now. As they release more of the trailers for the second half of the summer i'll be sure to post them. Stay tuned for more news and great lists. Until then, Happy Hunting!
Friday, January 11, 2013
The names Coulson... Agent Coulson
Hello Hunters. Breaking News. Not only is Phil Coulson alive and well, but it has been confirmed that next falls anxiously awaited S.H.I.E.L.D. does indeed take place following the events in The Avengers. IGN News' Eric Gouldman spoke to ABC president Paul Lee last night; who confirmed the timeline that fans have been speculating about for months. The pilot for Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. will begin filming later this month and is expected to air this fall if picked up for series. The show will star Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson, Brett Dalton as Agent Grant Ward, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leo Fitz, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Gemma Simmons, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, and Chloe Bennet as Skye. Joss Whedon will direct the pilot and co-write it with his brother Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen. Head over to IGN for more details.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Supers and Sci-Fi in 2013 Part 1!
Hello Fellow Hunters! We have successfully made it into 2013 with some incredible movies to see us out in December (The Hobbit, Django, and for those of us lucky enough to see it- the 20th anniversary re-release of Reservoir Dogs!)
First on my list are two characters that one doesn't normally associate with the superhero genre. However, if you've seen the previews for Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, you know there is nothing natural about these two. Jeremy Renner has thrilled us with his archery skills as Hawkeye and he looks to do it again in this action packed supernatural thrill ride. Gemma Arterton has been flying under the radar for quite a few years now, but has been an action movie maven since her action debut in RoknRolla. Definitely check out this super sibling smashup on January 25!
Up next we have A Good Day to Die Hard. Why? you ask... Because Bruce Frickin Willis has to be a super hero to still be churning out GOOD movies in this franchise. This one looks to be even better than the last as we take our favorite ex cop to the mother land on February 14. Yippee Ki-Yay Mother-Russia!
Finally, The GI Joe movie we've all been waiting for! Literally. If this movie sucks I will be supremely pissed that they made me wait a whole year to see it suck in 3d with a few extra scenes. But, my fingers and toes are crossed. Besides, Dwayne Johnson said it would be good... The Rock wouldn't lie now, would he? So that'll be hitting your screens in 3D and 2d on March 29th.
Tom Cruise has done it again! No, I don't mean he's gone nuts on Oprah. Come on, everybody knows she's retired. I'm trying to say he's made another movie I can't wait to see. Oblivion looks incredible. With an awesome cast including Cruise, Morgan Freeman and Zoe Bell what more do you need? Oh, yeah... written and directed by Joseph Kosinski who finally brought us Tron Legacy! Mark your Calendars for April 26.
Drum Roll.... Iron Man 3. May 3. Nuff said.
The Summer will just keep getting better with a second sequel in Star Trek Into Darkness. Be sure to catch this one in IMAX 3D on May 17.
M. Night Shyamalan- A name that either makes grunt with disdain or cheer for yet another film from the man who brought us The Sixth Sense. His critics are many, but his fans are just as passionate. And while The Last Airbender was panned by critics and fans alike, and The Devil was brilliant but flew under the radar; After Earth with Will and Jaden Smith looks like a winner. With great special effects and a cast that seems unable to lose (we've forgiven Will for Wild, Wild, West) this should be an enjoyable outing for the family and friends alike. After Earth crashes into theaters on June 7.
I wasn't alone in liking 2006' Superman Returns. But there weren't enough of us to spawn a sequel. And though I would have loved to see Brandon Routh don the cape and tights once more; I'm just happy that someone is. I wasn't sure about a foreigner donning the iconic American heroes costume. But, after seeing Henry Cavill totally kick ass in The Immortals and The Cold Light of Day; I was more than convinced. Not only can he handle the action but he has a pretty convincing all American accent. Besides, I am truly madly deeply overjoyed to have a Christopher Nolan produced, Zach Snyder directed Man of Steel back on the big screen. Flying into a cineplex near you on June 14.
For the past few months I have been enjoying Mark Millar's Hit Girl as she trains Dave. You can pick up the back issues at your local comic shop. It's a great way to pass the time with a new adventure each month leading up to Kick Ass 2: Balls to the Wall. Out on June 28 There's no trailer yet, so enjoy this little video from the first movie. Contains strong language and violence.
Well That's it for Part one. Lot's of movies and I'm sure I left some out. Be sure to let me know what you think of the list and what you would have included. Coming up i'll be doing the second part of this list as well as a list of the Horror movies I'm most looking forward to this next year. Until next time...
Up next we have A Good Day to Die Hard. Why? you ask... Because Bruce Frickin Willis has to be a super hero to still be churning out GOOD movies in this franchise. This one looks to be even better than the last as we take our favorite ex cop to the mother land on February 14. Yippee Ki-Yay Mother-Russia!
Finally, The GI Joe movie we've all been waiting for! Literally. If this movie sucks I will be supremely pissed that they made me wait a whole year to see it suck in 3d with a few extra scenes. But, my fingers and toes are crossed. Besides, Dwayne Johnson said it would be good... The Rock wouldn't lie now, would he? So that'll be hitting your screens in 3D and 2d on March 29th.
Tom Cruise has done it again! No, I don't mean he's gone nuts on Oprah. Come on, everybody knows she's retired. I'm trying to say he's made another movie I can't wait to see. Oblivion looks incredible. With an awesome cast including Cruise, Morgan Freeman and Zoe Bell what more do you need? Oh, yeah... written and directed by Joseph Kosinski who finally brought us Tron Legacy! Mark your Calendars for April 26.
Drum Roll.... Iron Man 3. May 3. Nuff said.
The Summer will just keep getting better with a second sequel in Star Trek Into Darkness. Be sure to catch this one in IMAX 3D on May 17.
M. Night Shyamalan- A name that either makes grunt with disdain or cheer for yet another film from the man who brought us The Sixth Sense. His critics are many, but his fans are just as passionate. And while The Last Airbender was panned by critics and fans alike, and The Devil was brilliant but flew under the radar; After Earth with Will and Jaden Smith looks like a winner. With great special effects and a cast that seems unable to lose (we've forgiven Will for Wild, Wild, West) this should be an enjoyable outing for the family and friends alike. After Earth crashes into theaters on June 7.
I wasn't alone in liking 2006' Superman Returns. But there weren't enough of us to spawn a sequel. And though I would have loved to see Brandon Routh don the cape and tights once more; I'm just happy that someone is. I wasn't sure about a foreigner donning the iconic American heroes costume. But, after seeing Henry Cavill totally kick ass in The Immortals and The Cold Light of Day; I was more than convinced. Not only can he handle the action but he has a pretty convincing all American accent. Besides, I am truly madly deeply overjoyed to have a Christopher Nolan produced, Zach Snyder directed Man of Steel back on the big screen. Flying into a cineplex near you on June 14.
For the past few months I have been enjoying Mark Millar's Hit Girl as she trains Dave. You can pick up the back issues at your local comic shop. It's a great way to pass the time with a new adventure each month leading up to Kick Ass 2: Balls to the Wall. Out on June 28 There's no trailer yet, so enjoy this little video from the first movie. Contains strong language and violence.
Well That's it for Part one. Lot's of movies and I'm sure I left some out. Be sure to let me know what you think of the list and what you would have included. Coming up i'll be doing the second part of this list as well as a list of the Horror movies I'm most looking forward to this next year. Until next time...
Monday, January 7, 2013
Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman?
Like many DC Fanboys and Fangirls across the world, I waited with baited breath for wonder woman to get picked up to series back in 2011. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. I was somewhat surprised that it never received a digital release, as did the Aquaman pilot from a few years ago via iTunes. However,I have kept my eyes on the internets and occasionally considered purchasing one of the preview discs off of ebay. But since you never know what kind of quality you are getting with an unofficial release I have obstained. Until now. A friend sent me a link to a recently posted (and very low quality) stream of the pilot, and seeing as we are two years on and there is no release in sight; I gave it a go. And I was pleasantly surprised. Adrianne Palicki was perfectly lovable as Wonder Woman, while still maintaining a certain air of standoffishness as Diana. David E Kelley's version see's our favorite Amazon living her life out loud so to speak. As both Wonder Woman and Diana at the same time, she saves lives and works at a company full time. While the script was far from perfect, it reminded me of a mediocre mid-season filler episode instead of a pilot, it wasn't the disaster that was depicted by the press either. The special effects were rough and unpolished but the choreography was fun and Adrianne can really dish out the pain. Cary Elwes was funny and engaging as her boss/agent while Elizabeth Hurley made for an appropriately menacing foe. I think some of the dialogue needed to be flushed out, but the story could have easily been played out over the course of two episodes had they decided to add in a little of Diana's signature detective work. Then again, that's not what Kelley was going for. Over all, i'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. A decent enough episode that would have been much more polished by the time it hit our screens, but far from the panned stinker that so many have made it out to be. I would have liked to see what else Mr. Kelley would have done, but alas, no. So, sayonara my friends. Here's hoping that Wonder Womans next foray onto our screens will me more successful...
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